Be Ye Steadfast
Words: Jesse Rey Quesada. Music: Bryan Jeffrey Lee & Jesse Rey Quesada.
Unto Him, our Heav'nly Father,
Be all praise and glory giv'n.
We are vessels of His mercy;
Made to be His instruments.
Therefore, as God’s own possession –
Thou redeemed from lawless ways –
Put to death sin in thy members,
And live righteous in this age.
And live righteous in this age.
Be thou happy in thy labor,
For thy strength is from above;
Wrought in thee by God’s own Spirit –
Building up His church in love.
All our deeds, prepared beforehand,
Tell of His great workmanship,
And removes all cause for boasting;
For the praise belongs to Him.
For the praise belongs to Him.
Grow not weary, saints, in toil,
For th’eternal promised penned:
Victory is ours in Jesus –
He who is the great Amen!
Death where is thy stinging power?
Sin defeated by The Word.
So then, brethren, be ye steadfast
In the service of the Lord.
In the service of the Lord.
Knowing then God's choice, beloved,
Of thee for eternal life –
Debtors ever to His mercy,
Called from darkness into light –
Proclaim ever of His glories
Till our blessed Lord shall come;
Then in heav’n we’ll be united
With our God, the Three in One.
With our God, the Three in One.