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O Child of God

Words: Bryan Jeffrey Lee & Jesse Rey Quesada.

O child of God, do not lose heart;

Why do you fear mere sons of men?

They’re but a mist appearing now,

And shall return to dust again.

Fear Him who holds man’s mortal soul;

Fear God, and yet cast out all fear.

Your soul’s redeemed by Christ’s own blood –

The debt of all your sins is cleared.


Belov'd of God, do not grown faint

Though painful trials may abound;

For we behold with eyes of faith:

Sufficient grace shall be our crown.

Endure, and run the race with joy,

With your eyes fixed upon the Son.

He who endured the cross' shame;

Now sits victorious on His throne.


O faithful saint, do not give up;

Though you’re hard pressed on every side,

He'll not forsake thee in the waves;

The stormy blast He will subside.

And when the clouds, He rolls away,

Make way for glories evermore;

He'll wipe away our earthly tears,

And be our Peace on Heaven's shore.

Audio Coming Soon

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